NOTE: The NextGen bar exam is set to debut in a limited number of jurisdictions in July 2026. The last administration of the current bar exam will be the February 2028 administration. The NextGen bar exam will be administered over one and a half days, with two three-hour sessions on day one and one three-hour session on day two. Jurisdictions that administer their own local law components may elect to extend day two for that purpose. For a list of which jurisdictions have adopted the NextGen exam and their first administration dates, visit

The Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) is a two-day exam composed of the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE), six Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) essay questions, and two Multistate Performance Test (MPT) tasks. The UBE is uniformly administered, graded, and scored and results in a portable score that can be transferred to other UBE jurisdictions. UBE jurisdictions accept transferred UBE scores that meet their minimum passing score, but each jurisdiction may set its own time limit for accepting UBE score transfers. Jurisdictions also have their own eligibility requirements (see Charts 3 and 4 for educational eligibility requirements). Jurisdictions may accept transferred UBE scores prior to their date of first UBE administration.A jurisdiction-specific component is a separate test, course, or some combination of the two, offered in person or online, that a UBE jurisdiction may choose to administer to assess candidate knowledge of jurisdiction-specific law. (Jurisdiction-specific components required prior to admission are listed in this chart; see Chart 13 for possible additional post-admission requirements.)

Concurrent application for admission by transferred UBE score means that an applicant is applying to take the UBE in one jurisdiction and applying for admission by transferred UBE score in another jurisdiction before the UBE score has been earned.

Fees such as for separate character and fitness (C&F) applications and/or investigations are included unless otherwise noted.

The following information from the main chart is also presented in individual charts further below:

Click anywhere in a row to see a summary of that jurisdiction’s answers.

*The minimum passing score in North Carolina was temporarily reduced to 268 for the July 2020 and February and July 2021 exams; see supplemental remarks.
†The minimum passing score in Oregon was temporarily reduced from 274 to 266 for the July 2020 exam; see supplemental remarks.
‡The minimum passing score in Washington was temporarily reduced to 266 for the July and September 2020, February and July 2021, and February and July 2022 exams; see supplemental remarks.

Supplemental Remarks

Alabama  Online course on Alabama law is required for applicants seeking admission by examination or by UBE score transfer.

Arizona  Online course on Arizona law is required prior to admission for all applicants.

Maryland  All applicants who have not passed a Maryland bar exam administered before March 1, 2019, must complete the Maryland Law Component.

Massachusetts  All petitioners for admission must successfully complete an online multiple-choice test, based on substantive materials provided online, on key distinctions and essential highlights of Massachusetts law and procedure.

Michigan  Michigan requires all examinees and UBE score transfer applicants to successfully complete the Michigan Law Basics Online Training prior to licensure.

Missouri  Rules require an open-book online test, the Missouri Educational Component Test (MECT), for applicants to complete as a condition of licensure. Review materials are posted to assist applicants.

Montana  Must complete the Montana Law Seminar online.

New Mexico  Online, on-demand course on New Mexico law is required prior to admission.

New York  Online course (NYLC) and online exam (NYLE) on New York law is required prior to admission for applicants seeking admission on examination or by UBE score transfer.

Ohio  Online, open-book, multiple-choice exam and outlines covering relevant Ohio-specific components. Both those sitting in Ohio and those transferring in a UBE score are required to complete the Ohio Law Component.

South Carolina  Must complete online Course of Study on South Carolina Law prior to admission.

Tennessee  An applicant must complete the online Tennessee Law Course to be eligible for admission.

Texas  Completion of an online, on-demand course on Texas law is required prior to admission for application seeking admission with a UBE score. The course is accessible, at no charge, on the State Bar of Texas CLE website.

Washington  Washington Law Component (WLC) is an open-book, timed, online multiple-choice test with Washington-specific study materials available online to review prior to and during the test.

Virgin Islands  Applicants must complete the Virgin Islands Law Component (VILC), which is an open-book, 50-item, 90-minute, online multiple-choice test with Virgin Islands–specific study materials available online to review prior to and during the test.

Alaska The 270 minimum passing score is effective February 27, 2023, replacing a minimum passing score of 280. For ramifications for both past and future Alaska examinees and UBE score transfer applicants, see

Arizona The minimum passing score of 270 is effective with the July 2023 exam administration, replacing a score of 273. Applicants for Uniform Bar Examination score transfer must have achieved a minimum score of 273 if earned prior to the July 2023 test administration. The Arizona Lawyer Apprentice Program (ALAP) allows candidates who score between 260 and 269 on the UBE after July 1, 2023, to apply to practice law for a two-year period while under direct supervision of a lawyer with at least five years’ experience. ALAP participants must be employed by a public or private law office located in a rural Arizona community or in a public law office located in Arizona. Upon successful completion of this two-year period, ALAP practitioners are fully admitted to practice law in Arizona without having to retake the bar exam.

Colorado The 270 minimum passing UBE score is effective with the February 2023 exam administration, replacing a score of 276. Applicants transferring a UBE score earned prior to the February 2023 exam administration must have earned a minimum score of 276.

Idaho The 270 minimum passing score is effective for the July 2023 exam administration (and may also be applied to results from the February 2023 exam earned in Idaho only), replacing a score of 272. Applicants who took a bar exam prior to those exam administrations need to have earned at least the previous score of 272.

North Carolina  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the North Carolina Board of Law Examiners temporarily reduced the minimum passing score for the July 2020 and February and July 2021 exams from 270 to 268. The reduced passing score also applied to applicants for admission by transferred UBE score who achieved a score of 268 or higher on the July 2020 or February or July 2021 exams (including the additional September 2020 exams that were administered by some jurisdictions due to the pandemic). Applicants seeking admission by transferred UBE score based on a score earned in any other eligible exam must have achieved a score of 270 or higher.

Oklahoma The minimum passing score of 260 is effective July 1, 2024.

Oregon  The minimum passing score of 270 became effective with the July 2021 examination. Prior to that, the minimum passing score was 274 (with the exception of the July 2020 exam, for which the score was temporarily lowered to 266 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

Pennsylvania The 270 minimum passing score is effective beginning with the February 2024 exam administration. For applications that rely upon scores from UBE administrations in any jurisdiction prior to the February 2024 administration, the minimum passing score remains 272.

Rhode Island The 270 minimum passing UBE score is effective with the February 2021 exam administration.

Utah The 260 minimum passing score replaces a score of 270. This change is not retroactive and applies to examinees—either in Utah or those who want to transfer a UBE score—taking the July 2023 bar examination and future examinations. The required passing score in Utah prior to the July 2023 administration remains at 270. 

Washington  The Washington Supreme Court reduced the passing score to 266 effective with the July 2020 UBE and all exams thereafter until adoption of the NextGen exam. (For exams prior to July 2020, the passing score was 270.) The reduced passing score also applies to applicants for admission by UBE score transfer who achieved a score of 266 or higher on these exams.

Arizona  Applicants who have been unsuccessful on 6 or more attempts must receive permission from the Committee on Examinations to test on each subsequent exam.

District of Columbia Applicants who have failed 4 times may not take the exam. Failing UBE scores from any jurisdiction are counted in the 4 attempts.

Iowa  Iowa Code section 602.10104(2) specifies that an applicant who fails an examination once shall be allowed to take the exam at the next scheduled administration. Thereafter, further attempts are permitted at the court’s discretion.

Maryland  After 3 unsuccessful attempts, the Board may condition further attempts on completion of an additional course of study.

New Hampshire  Applicants who have failed the exam 4 times may not retake the exam. Failing UBE scores in a different jurisdiction are included in the 4 attempts.

New York  Effective December 1, 2024, applicants with four or more unsuccessful attempts on the New York bar examination may file an application for re-examination only for the February administration of the bar examination. Applicants with four or more unsuccessful attempts on the New York Bar Examination are not precluded from taking the bar examination in another UBE jurisdiction in July, and if they achieve a passing score, transferring that score to New York.

Rhode Island  Limitation of 5 failed examinations in Rhode Island or any other state applies to all applicants seeking admission on examination. Failure to achieve a score of 276 prior to February 2021 administration of the UBE / 270 in the February 2021 administration of the UBE and thereafter constitutes a failed bar examination. No special permission will be given to applicants to exempt from the 5-time fail limitation.

South Carolina  There is no limit on the number of times but must wait 1 year after the third or subsequent failure before being eligible to sit for the UBE in South Carolina.

Tennessee  Applicants who have been unsuccessful 5 or more times on the former Tennessee Bar Examination or the UBE in any jurisdiction must petition the Board for permission to take the examination again and provide a study plan that tracks participation. See Board Policy P-4.05 for the information on the petition and supporting documentation that must be provided as part of an application.

Vermont An applicant who has failed the bar examination 4 times will not be permitted to sit for the UBE in Vermont unless the applicant can make a strong showing, to the Board of Bar Examiners’ satisfaction, that the applicant has substantially improved their exam preparation and there is good cause warranting a waiver of the 4-attempt limitation.

West Virginia  Limited to 4 failed examinations in West Virginia or any other jurisdiction. After 4 failed attempts to earn a passing UBE score, special permission from the Board is required.

Alabama  The transferred UBE score will be valid for a period of 36 months from the date of administration of the UBE in the jurisdiction in which the transferred score was earned.

Alaska  5 years preceding the date of application to the Alaska Bar Association.

Arizona  5 years prior to taking oath in Arizona.

Colorado  Applicants with UBE scores older than 3 but less than 5 years may apply for admission based on the UBE score plus a period of active law practice for at least 2 years immediately preceding Colorado application.

Illinois  The official UBE score submitted to Illinois must have been obtained in the preceding 48 months from the date of properly submitted application to Illinois.

Iowa  Any applicant may transfer a qualifying UBE score without a showing of prior legal practice if the score was from a UBE administered within 2 years immediately preceding the transfer application filing date. An attorney applicant may transfer a qualifying UBE score up to 5 years after the examination was taken upon proof that the applicant regularly engaged in the practice of law for at least 2 of the last 3 years immediately preceding the transfer application filing date.

Kansas  60 months preceding date of application.

Kentucky The UBE score must have been earned within 5 years of the application date for admission to Kentucky.

Maine  3 years from the date of the second day of the UBE taken in the other UBE jurisdiction.

Maryland  3 years with the time period beginning to run on August 1 following a July exam and March 1 following a February exam.

Massachusetts  36 months from the date of the exam administration in which the score was earned.

Michigan  Within 3 years immediately preceding the UBE in Michigan for which the applicant would otherwise sit.

Missouri  The official score must have been attained on a UBE exam administered within 5 years preceding the date the application is submitted.

Nebraska  3 years from UBE score release date.

New Hampshire  An applicant who earned a UBE score more than 3 years but less than 5 years prior to the date the motion for admission by transferred UBE score was filed must establish that they have been primarily engaged in the active practice of law for at least 2 years in another state, territory, or the District of Columbia, in which the applicant was a member in good standing and authorized to practice law during the entire 2-year period.

New Mexico  60 months from the first day of the exam administration in which the score was earned.

New York  3 years from the date of the second day of the UBE taken in the other UBE jurisdiction.

North Carolina  Applicants must have taken the UBE within 3 years preceding the filing date of the application and achieved North Carolina’s minimum passing score.

North Dakota  2 years from the date of the exam in the jurisdiction where the examination was written, if the applicant has not been actively engaged in the practice of law; or 5 years from the date of licensure if the applicant has been actively engaged in the practice of law, to an extent deemed by the Board to demonstrate competency, and the application must be accompanied by 12 CLE hours, 1 of which shall be in ethics, within the 36-month period immediately preceding the application for admission.

Oregon  The applicant must have earned the passing scaled score on an exam taken no more than 36 months prior to the date of application for admission or demonstrate that the applicant has been lawfully engaged in the active practice of law for at least 2 of the 3 years immediately preceding the date of application. Transferred UBE scores must have been earned on or after July 1, 2017.

Pennsylvania  No more than 30 months from the first day of the UBE that resulted in the score the applicant seeks to transfer. 

Rhode Island  Qualifying UBE scores shall be accepted if earned within 2 years of the date of application.

South Carolina  For a UBE administered in February, this 3-year period shall begin on March 1st following the examination; for a UBE administered in July, this 3-year period shall begin on August 1st following the examination.

Tennessee  3 years from release of grades in Tennessee for the test administration of the score transferred (generally, prior to the 15th of April for the February exam and the 15th of October for the July exam; date can be found at; however, if score has expired but applicant has been engaged in the active practice of law for 3 of 5 years immediately preceding the application, the score may be transferred for up to 5 years.

Utah  Utah accepts all UBE scores earned within 36 months of the date of the UBE administration.

Vermont  The passing UBE score must be from an administration no more than 3 years before the date of the application for admission or—if the applicant has been actively engaged in the practice of law for at least 2 years in another US jurisdiction in which the applicant was a member in good standing—no more than 5 years before the date of the application. Also, the passing score must have been achieved at an administration of the UBE occurring no later than 5 years after the applicant graduated from law school or completed the Law Office Study Program.

West Virginia  The applicant shall have earned the passing UBE score in an administration of the UBE taken 3 years immediately preceding the date upon which application to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners is made.

Wyoming Applicants may transfer a passing score on the UBE from an examination that was conducted less than 3 years prior to application for admission; or the applicant earned a passing score on the UBE at an examination that was conducted 3 to 5 years prior to the application for admission and the applicant can establish that he or she has been engaged in the active, authorized practice of law for the 2-year period immediately preceding the date of application.

Alabama  Any applicant for admission by transfer of UBE score who has not registered as a law student with the Alabama State Bar must pay a law student nonregistration fee of $250 in addition to the application fee.

Idaho  $600 if not admitted as attorney in another jurisdiction; $800 if admitted as attorney in another jurisdiction.

Kentucky  $875 if transferred within 1 year of earning the UBE score; $1,200 if transferring a score older than 1 year.

Maine The Maine Supreme Judicial Court is currently amending the fees for applications to the Maine Bar. The $900 fee for UBE score transfer applicants who have been admitted to another jurisdiction for a year or more will increase to $1000. The $900 fee for UBE score transfer applicants who have not been admitted to another jurisdiction for a year or more will remain the same. The requirement of an additional fee for an NCBE report is only for those admitted elsewhere for more than 1 year; those not admitted elsewhere for more than 1 year do not have to obtain an NCBE report.

Montana  $155 for non-attorneys; $410 for attorneys.

New York  $250 for applicants qualifying on the basis of a first degree in law from an ABA-approved law school, law office study, or non-ABA degree; $750 for applicants qualifying on the basis of foreign law school study. There is also a separate $375 attorney registration fee that must be paid prior to admission and every 2 years thereafter.

North Carolina  $1,275 if non-licensed; $1,500 if licensed.

Rhode Island  The application fee is $975 if no NCBE character investigation is required. If the applicant is required to submit to an NCBE character investigation, the total fee is $1,475.

South Carolina  Application fee is $1,000. If the applicant has been admitted to practice law for more than 1 year in another state, the District of Columbia, or another country at the time the application for admission is filed, the applicant shall pay an additional fee of $750.

Texas  Fees for in-state law students total $300; fees for out-of-state law students total $490; fees for licensed attorneys total $1,040; fees for foreign-trained applicants total $1,140.

Utah  $550 if not admitted in another jurisdiction; $850 if admitted in another jurisdiction.

Washington  $595 if not admitted in another jurisdiction; $645 (plus C&F fee) if admitted in another jurisdiction.

Minimum Passing UBE Score by Jurisdiction

*The minimum passing score in North Carolina was temporarily reduced to 268 for the July 2020 and February and July 2021 exams; see supplemental remarks.
†The minimum passing score in Oregon was temporarily reduced from 274 to 266 for the July 2020 exam; see supplemental remarks.
‡The minimum passing score in Washington was temporarily reduced to 266 for the July 2020, February and July 2021, and February and July 2022 exams; see supplemental remarks.

Maximum Age of Transferred UBE Score by Jurisdiction

UBE Pre-Admission Jurisdiction-Specific Components by Type

Supplemental Remarks

Indiana  Indiana will begin administering the UBE in July 2021. For the February 2021 examination, Indiana administered the MBE, the MPT, and 6 Indiana essay questions. Indiana will begin accepting transferred UBE scores upon its July 2021 UBE administration.

Michigan  Michigan will begin administering the UBE in July 2022 or February 2023. Michigan has not yet announced whether it will require completion of a jurisdiction-specific component before admission.

Ohio  Ohio was to begin administering the UBE in July 2020; due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it instead administered a remote exam in October 2020 for local admission only and began its first administration of the UBE in February 2021.

Oklahoma  Oklahoma will begin administering the UBE in July 2021. For the February 2021 examination, Oklahoma administered the MBE and 6 essay questions. Oklahoma began accepting transferred UBE scores on January 19, 2021.

Pennsylvania  will begin administering the UBE in July 2022. For the February 2021, July 2021, and February 2022 examinations, Pennsylvania will administer the MBE, 6 essay questions, and 1 performance test.

Alabama  Online course on Alabama law is required for applicants seeking admission by examination or by UBE score transfer.

Arizona  Online course on Arizona law is required prior to admission for all applicants.

Kentucky  Completion of an online, on-demand course on Kentucky law is required for applicants seeking admission with a UBE score.

Maryland  All applicants who have not passed a Maryland bar exam administered before March 1, 2019, must complete the Maryland Law Component.

Massachusetts  All petitioners for admission must successfully complete an online multiple-choice test, based on substantive materials provided online, on key distinctions and essential highlights of Massachusetts law and procedure.

Missouri  Rules require an open-book online test, the Missouri Educational Component Test (MECT), for applicants to complete as a condition of licensure. Review materials are posted to assist applicants.

Montana  Montana Law Seminar attendance is required prior to admission. The course is offered the day after the bar exam.

New Mexico  One-day, in-person course on New Mexico law is required prior to admission.

New York  Online course (NYLC) and online exam (NYLE) on New York law is required prior to admission for applicants seeking admission on examination or by UBE score transfer.

North Carolina  General Applicants and UBE Transfer Applicants are required to successfully complete the UBE North Carolina State-Specific Component to be eligible for licensure. This component is an online course comprising 6 one-hour video courses on North Carolina law subject areas, with three hurdle questions to be answered correctly at the conclusion of each subject area video.

Ohio  Online, open-book, multiple-choice exam and outlines covering relevant Ohio-specific components. Both those sitting in Ohio and those transferring in a UBE score are required to complete the Ohio Law Component.

Pennsylvania  will begin administering the UBE in July 2022. Pennsylvania has not yet announced whether it will require completion of a jurisdiction-specific component before admission.

South Carolina  Must complete online Course of Study on South Carolina Law prior to admission.

Tennessee  An applicant must complete the online Tennessee Law Course to be eligible for admission.

Texas  Completion of an online, on-demand course on Texas law is required prior to admission for application seeking admission with a UBE score. The course is accessible, at no charge, on the State Bar of Texas CLE website.

Washington  Washington Law Component (WLC) is an open-book, timed, online multiple-choice test with Washington-specific study materials available online to review prior to and during the test.

Virgin Islands  Applicants must complete the Virgin Islands Law Component (VILC), which is an open-book, 50-item, 90-minute, online multiple-choice test with Virgin Islands–specific study materials available online to review prior to and during the test.

Idaho  The 272 minimum passing UBE score is effective with the February 2017 exam administration, replacing a score of 280. Applicants transferring a UBE score earned prior to the February 2017 exam administration must have earned a minimum score of 280.

Michigan  Michigan will begin administering the UBE in July 2022 or February 2023. Michigan has not yet announced its minimum passing UBE score.

North Carolina  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the North Carolina Board of Law Examiners temporarily reduced the minimum passing score for the July 2020 and February and July 2021 exams from 270 to 268. The reduced passing score also applied to applicants for admission by transferred UBE score who achieved a score of 268 or higher on the July 2020 or February and July 2021 exams (including the additional September 2020 exams that were administered by some jurisdictions due to the pandemic). Applicants seeking admission by transferred UBE score based on a score earned in any other eligible exam must have achieved a score of 270 or higher.

Oregon  The Oregon Supreme Court permanently lowered the minimum passing score from 274 to 270 effective with the July 2021 exam. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Oregon Supreme Court temporarily reduced the minimum passing score for the July 2020 exam from 274 to 266. The reduced passing score also applied to applicants for admission by transferred UBE score who achieved a score of 266 or higher on the July 2020 exam (including the additional September 2020 exams that were administered by some jurisdictions due to the pandemic). Applicants seeking admission by transferred UBE score based on a score earned in any other eligible exam prior to July 2021 must have achieved a score of 274 or higher.

Pennsylvania  Pennsylvania will begin administering the UBE in July 2022. The minimum passing UBE score in Pennsylvania has not yet been determined at time of publication.

Rhode Island  The 270 minimum passing UBE score is effective with the February 2021 exam administration, replacing a score of 276. Applicants transferring a UBE score earned prior to the February 2021 exam administration must have earned a minimum score of 276.

Washington  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Washington Supreme Court temporarily reduced the minimum passing score for the July 2020, September 2020, and February and July 2021 exams from 270 to 266. The minimum passing score will return to 270 with the February 2022 exam. (The September 2020 exam was an additional exam administered in Washington due to the pandemic.) The reduced passing score also applies to applicants for admission by transferred UBE score who achieved a score of 266 or higher on these exams. Applicants seeking admission by transferred UBE score based on a score earned in any other eligible exam must achieve a score of 270 or higher.

Arizona  Applicants who have been unsuccessful on 6 or more attempts must receive permission from the Committee on Examinations to test on each subsequent exam.

Iowa  Special permission may be required for applicants seeking to take the examination more than twice.

Maryland  After 3 unsuccessful attempts, the Board may condition further attempts on completion of an additional course of study.

New Hampshire  Applicants who have failed the exam 4 times may not retake the exam. Failing UBE scores in a different jurisdiction are included in the 4 attempts.

Rhode Island  Limitation of 5 failed examinations in Rhode Island or any other state applies to all applicants seeking admission on examination. Failure to achieve a score of 276 on any administration of the UBE constitutes a failed bar examination. No special permission will be given to applicants to exempt from the 5-time fail limitation.

South Carolina  There is no limit on the number of times but must wait 1 year after the third or subsequent failure before being eligible to sit for the UBE in South Carolina.

Tennessee  Although no limit is specified in Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 7, it is within the Board’s discretion to deny a reexamination applicant.

West Virginia  Limited to 4 failed examinations in West Virginia or any other state before special permission from the Board is required.

Alabama  The transferred UBE score will be valid for a period of 25 months from the date of administration of the UBE in the jurisdiction in which the transferred score was earned.

Alaska  5 years preceding the date of application to the Alaska Bar Association.

Arizona  5 years prior to taking oath in Arizona.

Colorado  Applicants with UBE scores older than 3 but less than 5 years may apply for admission based on the UBE score plus a period of active law practice for at least 2 years immediately preceding Colorado application.

Illinois  The official UBE score submitted to Illinois must have been obtained in the preceding 48 months from the date of properly submitted application to Illinois.

Iowa  Any applicant may transfer a qualifying UBE score without a showing of prior legal practice if the score was from a UBE administered within 2 years immediately preceding the transfer application filing date. An attorney applicant may transfer a qualifying UBE score up to 5 years after the examination was taken upon proof that the applicant regularly engaged in the practice of law for at least 2 of the last 3 years immediately preceding the transfer application filing date.

Kansas  36 months preceding date of application.

Maine  3 years from the date of the second day of the UBE taken in the other UBE jurisdiction.

Maryland  3 years with the time period beginning to run on August 1 following a July exam and March 1 following a February exam.

Massachusetts  36 months from the date of the exam administration in which the score was earned.

Michigan  Within 3 years immediately preceding the UBE in Michigan for which the applicant would otherwise sit.

Missouri  The official score must have been attained on a UBE exam administered within 5 years preceding the date the application is submitted.

Nebraska  3 years from UBE score release date.

New Hampshire  An applicant who earned a UBE score more than 3 years but less than 5 years prior to the date the motion for admission by transferred UBE score was filed must establish that he or she has been primarily engaged in the active practice of law for at least 2 years in another state, territory, or the District of Columbia, in which the applicant was a member in good standing and authorized to practice law during the entire 2-year period.

New Mexico  36 months from the date of the exam administration in which the score was earned.

New York  3 years from the date of the second day of the UBE taken in the other UBE jurisdiction.

North Carolina  Applicants must have taken the UBE within 3 years preceding the filing date of the application and achieved North Carolina’s minimum passing score.

North Dakota  2 years from the date of the exam in the jurisdiction where UBE score was earned.

Oklahoma  Applicants with UBE scores older than 3 years but less than 5 years may apply for admission based on the UBE score plus a period of active law practice for at least 2 years immediately preceding the Oklahoma application.

Oregon  The applicant must have earned the passing scaled score on an exam taken no more than 36 months prior to the date of application for admission or demonstrate that the applicant has been lawfully engaged in the active practice of law for at least 2 of the 3 years immediately preceding the date of application. Transferred UBE scores must have been earned on or after July 1, 2017.

Pennsylvania  Pennsylvania will begin administering the UBE in July 2022. The maximum age of UBE score has not yet been determined at time of publication.

Rhode Island  Qualifying UBE scores shall be accepted if earned within 2 years of the date of application.

South Carolina  For a UBE administered in February, this 3-year period shall begin on March 1st following the examination; for a UBE administered in July, this 3-year period shall begin on August 1st following the examination.

Tennessee  3 years from release of grades in Tennessee for the test administration of the score transferred (generally, the first Friday of April for the February exam or the first Friday of October for the July exam); however, if score has expired but applicant has been engaged in the active practice of law for 3 of 5 years immediately preceding the application, the score may be transferred for up to 5 years.

Texas  2 years from the date of the UBE administration or within 5 years from the date of the UBE administration if the applicant can provide evidence of active substantial law practice for at least 2 of the 3 years preceding the date of application for admission.

Utah  Utah accepts all UBE scores earned within 36 months of the date of the UBE administration. For applicants with UBE scores that are older than 36 months, Utah will accept UBE scores for up to 5 years with proof of the full-time practice of law.

Vermont  The passing UBE score must be from an administration no more than 3 years before the date of the application for admission or—if the applicant has been actively engaged in the practice of law for at least 2 years in another US jurisdiction in which the applicant was a member in good standing—no more than 5 years before the date of the application. Also, the passing score must have been achieved at an administration of the UBE occurring no later than 5 years after the applicant graduated from law school or completed the Law Office Study Program.

West Virginia  3 years preceding the date of application to the West Virginia Board of Law Examiners.

Alabama  Any applicant for admission by transfer of UBE score who has not registered as a law student with the Alabama State Bar must pay a law student nonregistration fee of $250 in addition to the application fee.

Idaho  $600 if not admitted as attorney in another jurisdiction; $800 if admitted as attorney in another jurisdiction.

Kentucky  $875 if transferred within 1 year of earning the UBE score; $1,200 if transferring a score older than 1 year.

Maine  The requirement of an additional fee for an NCBE report is only for those admitted elsewhere for more than 1 year.

Montana  $155 for non-attorneys; $410 for attorneys.

New Mexico  $500 for applicants within 1 year of graduation from law school; $1,000 for applicants more than 1 year of graduation from law school.

New York  $250 for applicants qualifying on the basis of a first degree in law from an ABA-approved law school, law office study, or non-ABA degree; $750 for applicants qualifying on the basis of foreign law school study. There is also a separate $375 attorney registration fee that must be paid prior to admission and every 2 years thereafter.

North Carolina  $1,275 if non-licensed; $1,500 if licensed.

Oregon  $750 if not admitted in another jurisdiction; $1,175 if admitted in another jurisdiction.

Pennsylvania  will begin administering the UBE in July 2022. The application fee for admission by transferred UBE score has not yet been determined at time of publication.

Rhode Island  The application fee is $975 if no NCBE character investigation is required. If the applicant is required to submit to an NCBE character investigation, the total fee is $1,475.

South Carolina  Application fee is $1,000. If the applicant has been admitted to practice law for more than 1 year in another state, the District of Columbia, or another country at the time the application for admission is filed, the applicant shall pay an additional fee of $750.

Texas  Fees for law students total $490; fees for licensed attorneys total $1,040.

Utah  $550 if not admitted in another jurisdiction; $850 if admitted in another jurisdiction.

Washington  $585 if not admitted in another jurisdiction; $620 if admitted in another jurisdiction.