Alabama Acceptable MPRE score is valid for 36 months from the date of administration of the MPRE. UBE score transfer applicants must successfully complete the MPRE no earlier than 36 months before the transferred UBE score was earned.
Alaska Not more than 8 years prior to the applicant’s Alaska application for admission.
Arizona Within 8 years before the successful bar examination or within 5 years after the successful bar examination or after a UBE in which the applicant earned the minimum passing score required by Arizona.
Arkansas An MPRE for a bar exam applicant must have been taken within 3 years of the date the applicant sits for the bar exam or within 1 year after the bar exam in which the applicant obtains a passing score.
Colorado Validity of the MPRE score for exam and UBE score transfer applicants is 5 years from the date of application if admitted in another jurisdiction, and 2 years if they are not. For on motion applicants, validity of the MPRE score is 5 years, but the MPRE requirement is waived if the applicant has been engaged in the authorized active practice of law for 15 years or more in another jurisdiction with no public discipline and previously took the MPRE for admission in another jurisdiction. MPRE need not be completed prior to filing an application.
Connecticut Within 4 years before or within 1 year after the date the applicant files his/her application for admission to the Connecticut Bar.
Idaho Prior to taking the Idaho Bar examination or transferring the UBE score to Idaho, or within the next two scheduled MPRE administrations after successfully completing the Idaho Bar examination or transferring the UBE score to Idaho.
Indiana Within 2 years before or after the date the applicant successfully takes the UBE in Indiana. For applicants admitted via transferred UBE score, no earlier than 2 years before the applicant sat for the UBE on which they achieved a score of 264.
Kansas To be eligible to sit for the UBE in Kansas or to file a verified application for admission to the bar in Kansas, an applicant must (1) complete the MPRE; (2) request the official score to be reported to Attorney Admissions; and (3) receive a passing score as determined by the Board. An official score report must be received by Attorney Admissions no later than January 15 for the February examination and June 15 for the July examination.
Kentucky There is no expiration date on a passing MPRE score of 80; however, a bar applicant must achieve an 80 or higher before being permitted to sit for a bar examination. An MPRE score of 75 achieved by an applicant prior to July 2017 will be accepted for admission purposes.
Maine An applicant for admission by examination must have taken and obtained a passing score on the MPRE within 15 years prior to the date on which the applicant is admitted. An applicant for admission by transferred Uniform Bar Examination score must have taken and obtained a passing score on the MPRE within 15 years prior to the date on which the application is filed.
Maryland For applicants not currently admitted in good standing to the bar of any US state or territory, the MPRE score must result from an administration of the MPRE occurring not more than 3 years prior to the date when the applicant files a Notice of Intent to Take the UBE in Maryland or a Notice to Transfer a Qualifying UBE Score to Maryland. For applicants currently admitted in good standing to the bar of another US state or territory, there is no age limit for the MPRE score, so long as the score can be officially reported to the Maryland State Board of Law Examiners by NCBE or, if the score is too old to be reported by NCBE, by bar admissions officials in another US state.
Massachusetts The MPRE score report is a filing requirement and therefore it must be taken and passed prior to applying for admission.
Missouri An applicant must provide proof of a passing score within 1 year after the date of written notification of having passed the bar
Montana No earlier than 3 years prior to the first day of the administration in which the applicant sat for the Montana Bar Examination, or no later than 9 months after successful completion of the Montana Bar Examination.
Nebraska An MPRE score cannot be counted if older than 3 years from rendition of the final score.
New York The MPRE may be taken before or after the bar examination but a passing MPRE score is valid for 4 years from the date the applicant sat for that MPRE.
North Carolina General Applicants must pass the MPRE within 24 months next preceding the beginning day of the written bar examination the applicant passes, or within 12 months thereafter.
North Dakota MPRE scores earned earlier than 5 years preceding receipt of an application will not be accepted. If the MPRE is taken after submission of an application, a score of 85 or higher needs to be earned within 2 years after receipt of an application for admission or the rule on automatic withdrawal of an incomplete application may be triggered.
Oklahoma MPRE scores are valid for an unlimited period of time.
Oregon The applicant must either: (a) pass the MPRE within 36 months prior to applying for admission or while an application is pending; or (b) have been admitted in another jurisdiction where passage of the MPRE is required for admission and has substantially and continuously engaged in the practice of law for at least 12 months in that jurisdiction.
Rhode Island Applicants seeking admission under Article II, Rule 1 (admission on examination) must have achieved the required minimum MPRE score within 5 years prior to the application deadline for the bar examination. Rule 1B applicants (admission on transferred UBE score) must have achieved the required minimum MPRE score within 5 years prior to filing their Petitiion for Admission.
South Carolina MPRE must have been taken within 3 years of date on which application is filed.
Tennessee Scores are valid for 2 years from the date of administration of the MPRE; if the applicant is a licensed attorney in good standing in another US jurisdiction, an expired MPRE score of 82 or higher will satisfy the requirement.
Texas Any time within 5 years of passing the UBE.
Vermont No sooner than 3 years before initially sitting for the UBE and no later than 1 year after being notified of having passed the UBE. For UBE transfer applicants, the passing MPRE score must be from no earlier than 3 years before, and no later than 1 year after, the date of the application for admission.
Washington MPRE score must be earned no more than 3 years prior to or 40 months after the successful UBE.
West Virginia 25 months from successful bar examination.
Wyoming Applicant must submit evidence of a passing score.
Virgin Islands MPRE scores obtained in another jurisdiction may be accepted provided that the scores certified are no more than 3 years old.