Fees listed are timely filing fees; late filing fees may apply. Fees such as for separate character and fitness (C&F) applications and/or investigations are included unless otherwise noted.

Click anywhere in a row to see a summary of that jurisdiction’s answers.

Supplemental Remarks

District of Columbia Dates are subject to change. Applicants should check the DC Court of Appeals Committee on Admissions website for updates.

Indiana Repeaters have separate deadlines.

Iowa These are final deadlines and cannot be waived.

Kentucky  When a bar application is filed after the first filing deadlines of Feb. 1 and Oct. 1, the Character and Fitness Committee will determine whether or not an applicant’s character and fitness can be certified prior to the exam. If the Character and Fitness Committee’s investigation is not complete, the applicant may not be permitted to take the forthcoming examination and may be deferred until the certification can be completed.

Maine  The Board may determine to accept applications after the deadlines set forth in Rule 5(a) if in the exercise of its discretion or in the opinion of the Court no undue hardship will result to the Board’s administrative procedures by such acceptances. The Board may set a schedule of late fees if it decides to accept such submissions. Any policy and associated schedule of fees adopted shall be made available to applicants on the Board’s website and/or applicant portal.

Massachusetts Filing deadline is approximately 75 days prior to the exam; the date is set when the application is made available. No official late filing deadlines; bar applications are filed with the Court, and late filings must be allowed by the Court.

Montana There are no specific allowances for late filing, and all late applicants are required to petition the Supreme Court for permission.

New York Applications must be received between November 1 and 30 for February exam and between April 1 and 30 for July exam. For an applicant who failed the immediately preceding administration of the UBE, the Application Filing Deadline will be the later of (1) the application filing deadline (March 31 for a July exam and October 31 for a February exam) or (2) the 7th day following the date of the Board’s release of the examination results.

Oklahoma Repeat exam application late filing deadlines are December 15 for February exam and May 15 for July exam.

Oregon If the chair of the Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners finds that the deadlines place an undue hardship on the Board, the Oregon State Bar, or the testing population as a whole, then the deadlines may be extended by up to 15 business days. If the chair of the Board extends any deadlines, notice shall be placed on the web page of the Oregon State Bar’s Admissions Department.

Rhode Island Applicants seeking admission under Article II, Rule 2(a (attorney admission on examination) must submit their applications by September 1 for the February examination, and by February 1 for the July examination. Applicants seeking admission under Article II, Rule 1 (admission on examination) must submit their applications by December 1 for the February examination, and by May 1 for the July examination.

Tennessee  The Application Deadline is December 1 for the February exam and May 1 for the July exam. Applicants must upload a completed NCBE Investigation Application, submit the Tennessee Synergy Application, and pay the Tennessee Application Fee to meet the requirements of the Application Deadline. No new applications for admission by examination will be accepted after the Application Deadline; December 1 or May 1 is the last day that an applicant may complete the requirements to meet the Application Deadline. Applicants who meet the Application Deadline have until December 20 / May 20 to meet the Final Deadline by completing the application process. Deadlines are “received by” dates. Similarly, applicants seeking testing accommodations must meet the Application Deadline for both the examination application and the Request for Non-Standard Testing Accommodations. To meet the Application Deadline for the Accommodations Request, Applicants must submit the Request for Non-Standard Testing Accommodations in Synergy and upload Form 1 or 1A by December 1 / May 1, and complete the application processes by the Final Deadline.

Wyoming Applications must be filed no later than the third Friday in November to take the February exam. Application to take the July exam must be filed no later than the third Friday in April. Reapplications for an applicant that is unsuccessful on an examination may have different application deadlines.

Alabama The laptop registration fee is $157 for those who register their laptop late.

Alaska  An applicant who has taken the Alaska Bar Examination within one year must pay an application fee of $600 (and, if applicable, late fees) at the time of filing the application. If it has been more than one year since the applicant has taken the Alaska Bar Exam, the applicant must pay the full application fee.

Colorado A $200 late fee applies to applications received by the late filing deadlines (Dec. 1 for February exam; May 1 for July exam). Lower reapplication fees may apply if certain conditions are met. Applicants unsuccessful on the most recent bar exam administered in Colorado have a reduced filing fee of $410 for the immediate next exam. Applicants who timely withdraw from an exam have a reduced filing fee of $510 for the immediate next exam.

District of Columbia Fees are subject to change. Applicants should check the DC Court of Appeals Committee on Admissions website for updates. The fee for all application categories at $405 plus C&F fee is effective April 1, 2024.

Idaho Bar exam fee for repeaters is $200 for the first 3 exams; $300 for each subsequent one.

Illinois Bar exam fee is based on whether or not the applicant has previously filed an Illinois application, is repeating the exam, or was absent from an exam. Fee ranges from $950 to $1,450, except for repeaters, for whom range is $500 to $850. Repeater deadline ranges are November 1 to November 30 for the February exam, and April 1 to April 30 for the July exam.

Indiana The late bar exam filing fee is $500.

Iowa Most first-time bar exam takers must pay an $800 bar application fee. The fee for first-time bar exam takers in Iowa who have not previously been admitted to practice in any jurisdiction is $550 if they have a law student registration on file with the Office of Professional Regulation on or before January 15, 2021.

Kentucky Fees vary depending on the deadline by which application is filed.

Maine Bar exam fee for non-attorneys includes those admitted less than 1 year in another jurisdiction. The Maine Supreme Judicial Court is currently amending the fees for applications to the Maine Bar. The $650 fee for exam applicants who have been admitted to another jurisdiction for a year or more will increase to $900. The $600 fee for exam applicants who have not been admitted to another jurisdiction for a year or more will increase to $800.

Maryland Repeat test takers are required to pay a $100 update fee to retake the examination if their Character Questionnaire has been pending for 3 or more years since the most recent formal update.

Michigan A $375 character and fitness investigation fee is payable to the State Bar of Michigan. An additional fingerprint fee for non-attorneys is not included in the $375.

Missouri For the full fee schedule, see https://www.mble.org/rule-8-supreme-court-fee-schedule.

Montana Fees listed include the cost of application, examination, and the Montana Law Seminar.

Nebraska Bar exam fee for repeaters is $225 for the immediate next exam; $490 / $590 for third and subsequent retakes. Fee is dependent on whether the applicant has a passing MPRE score at the time they submit their application.

New Jersey The laptop registration fee ranges from $0 (if on time) up to $150 (final late fee).

New Mexico For repeat bar examinees, a reduced fee of $500 is offered if it is the examinee’s second time taking the UBE, regardless of state where administered.

New York The bar exam fee for non-attorneys is $250 for applicants qualifying on the basis of a first degree in law from an ABA-approved law school, law office study, or a combination of a first degree in law from an unapproved law school in the United States and practice; the fee is $750 for applicants qualifying on the basis of a foreign law school study. There is also a separate $375 attorney registration fee that must be paid prior to admission and every 2 years thereafter.

Oregon In addition to the standard $1,000 fee, if an applicant was previously admitted to the practice of law in any other jurisdiction or has a pending application for admission to practice law in any other jurisdiction, then the applicant must pay an investigation fee of $600. If an applicant applied for admission to the practice of law in Oregon within the 12 months prior to the submission of the current application, and the applicant paid an investigation fee of $600 with their last application, then the investigation fee shall be reduced to $300.


Rhode Island A fee of $975 is required for all retakes, and attorney admission applicants (Rule 2(a)) must also pay for a supplemental NCBE character investigation report. Applicants can defer to the next bar examination upon payment of a $300 deferral fee. MBE scores will be transferred upon payment of $25.

South Carolina Bar exam fee prior to first deadline is $1,000; bar exam fee prior to second deadline is $1,500. Any examinee who has been admitted to practice in another jurisdiction for more than 1 year must pay the bar exam fee plus $750.

Texas Bar exam fee for non-attorneys is $300 for Texas law students; $490 for out-of-state law students (out-of-state students do not pay law student registration fee of $190); $1,140 for foreign-educated non-attorneys. Bar exam fee for attorneys is $1,040 for attorneys licensed in another state; $1,140 for foreign attorneys. Fees for laptop users include $80 license fee paid to the software provider and $50 fee paid to the Texas Board of Law Examiners.

Vermont Laptop takers are responsible for any registration/licensing fees charged by the company that facilitates the laptop process.

Virgin Islands Bar exam fee for repeaters is $500 for each examination (MBE or MEE/MPT) that the applicant previously took in the Virgin Islands but failed. If an applicant elects to retake one exam, the fee is $500. If an applicant elects to retake both exams, the fee is $1,000.

Supplemental Remarks

District of Columbia Dates are subject to change. Applicants should check the DC Court of Appeals Committee on Admissions website for updates.

Indiana Repeaters have separate deadlines.

Iowa These are final deadlines and cannot be waived.

Massachusetts Filing deadline is approximately 75 days prior to the exam; the date is set when the application is made available. No official late filing deadlines; bar applications are filed with the Court, and late filings must be allowed by the Court.

Montana There are no specific allowances for late filing, and all late applicants are required to petition the Supreme Court for permission.

New York Applications must be received between November 1 and 30 for February exam and between April 1 and 30 for July exam.

Oklahoma Repeat exam application late filing deadlines are December 15 for February exam and May 15 for July exam.

Oregon If the chair of the Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners finds that the deadlines place an undue hardship on the Board, the Oregon State Bar, or the testing population as a whole, then the deadlines may be extended by up to 15 business days. If the chair of the Board extends any deadlines, notice shall be placed on the web page of the Oregon State Bar’s Admissions Department.

Rhode Island Applicants seeking admission under Article II, Rule 2(a (attorney admission on examination) must submit their applications by September 1 for the February examination, and by February 1 for the July examination. Applicants seeking admission under Article II, Rule 1 (admission on examination) must submit their applications by December 1 for the February examination, and by May 1 for the July examination

Colorado A $200 late fee applies to applications received by the late filing deadlines (Dec. 1 for February exam; May 1 for July exam). Lower reapplication fees may apply if certain conditions are met.

District of Columbia Fees are subject to change. Applicants should check the DC Court of Appeals Committee on Admissions website for updates.

Idaho Bar exam fee for repeaters is $200 for the first 3 exams; $300 for each subsequent one.

Illinois Bar exam fee is based on whether or not the applicant has previously filed an Illinois application, is repeating the exam, or was absent from an exam. Fee ranges from $950 to $1,450, except for repeaters, for whom range is $500 to $850. Repeater deadline ranges are November 1 to December 15 for the February exam, and May 1 to May 15 for the July exam.

Indiana The late bar exam filing fee is $500.

Iowa Most first-time bar exam takers must pay an $800 bar application fee. The fee for first-time bar exam takers in Iowa who have not previously been admitted to practice in any jurisdiction is $550 if they have a law student registration on file with the Office of Professional Regulation on or before January 15, 2021.

Kentucky Fees vary depending on the deadline by which application is filed.

Maine Bar exam fee for non-attorneys includes those admitted less than 1 year in another jurisdiction.

Maryland Repeat test takers are required to pay a $100 update fee to retake the examination if their Character Questionnaire has been pending for 3 or more years since the most recent formal update.

Michigan $775 fee for non-attorneys does not include fingerprint fee.

Missouri Bar exam fee for non-attorneys and attorneys is $485 if never previously registered for a bar examination in Missouri but did apply for a character and fitness report as a 1L or 2L law student; $910 if never previously registered for a bar examination in Missouri and did not apply for a character and fitness report as a 1L or 2L law student. Bar exam fee for repeaters is $485 (timely filed) if applicant failed the most recent bar examination in Missouri; $585 (timely filed) if applicant failed a bar examination in Missouri other than the most recent exam or failed to appear at the exam for which applicant was registered.

Montana Fees listed include the cost of application, examination, and the Montana Law Seminar.

Nebraska Bar exam fee for repeaters is $225 for the immediate next exam; $490 for third and subsequent retakes.

New Mexico Applicants whose law school graduation date is 1 year or less prior to filing their applications pay an on-time application fee of $500.  All others pay an on-time application fee of $1,000. If applicable, applicants are responsible for the costs associated with investigations and hearings. The $100 retake fee is available for 1 year after the first unsuccessful examination. After that year, an unsuccessful applicant pays the full application fee. Fees for late application, up to the final application date, are available on the New Mexico Board of Bar Examiners website.

New York The bar exam fee for non-attorneys is $250 for applicants qualifying on the basis of a first degree in law from an ABA-approved law school, law office study, or a combination of a first degree in law from an unapproved law school in the United States and practice; the fee is $750 for applicants qualifying on the basis of a foreign law school study. There is also a separate $375 attorney registration fee that must be paid prior to admission and every 2 years thereafter.

Oregon In addition to the $750 application fee, applicants who have been admitted in any jurisdiction (foreign or domestic) or have a pending application with another jurisdiction (foreign or domestic) must pay an additional investigation fee of $425.

Rhode Island A fee of $975 is required for all retakes, and attorney admission applicants (Rule 2(a)) must also pay for a supplemental NCBE character investigation report. Applicants can defer to the next bar examination upon payment of a $300 deferral fee. MBE scores will be transferred upon payment of $25.

South Carolina Bar exam fee prior to first deadline is $1,000; bar exam fee prior to second deadline is $1,500. Any examinee who has been admitted to practice in another jurisdiction for more than 1 year must pay the bar exam fee plus $750.

Texas Bar exam fee for non-attorneys is $300 for Texas law students; $490 for out-of-state law students (out-of-state students do not pay law student registration fee of $190); $1,140 for foreign-educated non-attorneys. Bar exam fee for attorneys is $1,040 for attorneys licensed in another state; $1,140 for foreign attorneys. Fees for laptop users include $80 license fee paid to the software provider and $50 fee paid to the Texas Board of Law Examiners.

Vermont Laptop takers are responsible for any registration/licensing fees charged by the company that facilitates the laptop process.

Virgin Islands Bar exam fee for repeaters is $500 for each examination (MBE or MEE/MPT) that the applicant previously took in the Virgin Islands but failed. If an applicant elects to retake one exam, the fee is $500. If an applicant elects to retake both exams, the fee is $1,000.