NOTE: The NextGen bar exam is set to debut in a limited number of jurisdictions in July 2026. The last administration of the current bar exam will be the February 2028 administration. The NextGen bar exam will be administered over one and a half days, with two three-hour sessions on day one and one three-hour session on day two. Jurisdictions that administer their own local law components may elect to extend day two for that purpose. For a list of which jurisdictions have adopted the NextGen exam and their first administration dates, visit

All jurisdictions in this chart administer the bar exam over 2 days except the following: Nevada (2.5 days); Louisiana and Palau (3 days).

Click anywhere in a row to see a summary of that jurisdiction’s answers.

Supplemental Remarks

California 5 locally developed essay questions and 1 locally developed performance test.

Delaware 4 Delaware essay questions.

Florida 3 essay questions and 100 multiple-choice questions.

Georgia 4 Georgia essay questions.

Hawaii 15 multiple-choice questions based on the Hawaii Rules of Professional Conduct.

Louisiana Written component consists of performance on 9 locally developed sections.

Mississippi 6 Mississippi Essay Exam questions.

Nevada 6 Nevada essay questions and 2 Nevada Performance Test questions per exam.

South Dakota 1 Indian law question.

Virginia 9 essay questions and 10 multiple-choice questions.

Wisconsin Wisconsin can administer any combination of MEE, MPT, and locally drafted essay questions.

Guam 1 essay question based on local case law and statutory law.

Northern Mariana Islands 2 local essay questions.

Palau 4 local essay questions

Puerto Rico Bar examination consists of only local components: 184 multiple-choice questions and 8 essay questions.

South Dakota Applicant must get Supreme Court permission to take exam after 3 failures in any jurisdiction or combination of jurisdictions.

Supplemental Remarks

California 5 locally developed essay questions and 1 locally developed performance test.

Delaware 8 Delaware essay questions.

Florida 3 essay questions and 100 multiple-choice questions.

Georgia 4 essay questions on Georgia law.

Hawaii 15 multiple-choice questions based on the Hawaii Rules of Professional Conduct.

Louisiana Written component consists of performance on 9 locally developed sections.

Mississippi 6 Mississippi Essay Exam questions.

Nevada Nevada Essay Exam, consisting of 8 essay questions.

South Dakota 1 Indian law question.

Virginia 9 essay questions and 10 multiple-choice questions.

Wisconsin Wisconsin can administer any combination of MEE, MPT, and locally drafted essay questions.

Guam 1 essay question based on local case law and statutory law.

Northern Mariana Islands 2 local essay questions.

Palau Palau Essay Exam, consisting of 4 to 5 questions.

Puerto Rico Bar examination consists of only local components: 184 multiple-choice questions and 8 essay questions.

Mississippi An applicant who has unsuccessfully taken the Mississippi Bar Examination 3 times shall not be eligible for re-examination until he or she has successfully completed at least 12 additional semester hours of law school courses at an ABA-accredited law school relevant to subjects covered by or skills necessary to the passage of the Mississippi Bar Examination. A certificate must be issued to the Board of Bar Admissions by the law school stating that the applicant has successfully completed these classes. Satisfaction of this requirement shall permit the applicant to retake the Mississippi Bar Examination on 1 additional occasion. To be eligible for further re-examination, the applicant must comply with the requirements set forth above after each unsuccessful examination attempt.

South Dakota Applicant must get Supreme Court permission to take exam after 3 failures in any jurisdiction or combination of jurisdictions.